Hellcat Squadran Wiki
Type-52 Troop Carrier
Phantom carrying a Spectre
Vehicle statistics
Owner Covenant Loyalists, Covenant Separatists, Hellcat Squadran
Vehicle Classification
Vehicle Type Dropship/Transport/Gunship
Faction Triple Alliance (the Covenant Loyalists mostly), Coalition (Covenant Separatists and Hellcat Squadran more specifically)
Special Modifications Modifications vary with user:
  • Covenant Loyalists - Side Hatches with Plasma Turrets
  • Covenant Separatists - Plasma Cannons on sides
  • Hellcat Squadran - Slotted walls with machine gun turrets
Status several hundred operational per user

Phantom Variants[]

Covenant Loyalist[]

The Loyalist variant of the Phantom is known for its side release hatches and it's Covenant Purple coloring.

Covenant Separatist[]

The Separatist variant is known for its original (Halo 2) weapon format and its Gun-metal Green coloring.

Hellcat Squadran[]

The Hellcat Squadran variant can be noted for its bunker-style machine guns on its sides and its Cyan-Blue coloring. This craft is rarely used by the human members of HS as it is not meant for human occupants. However, IceBite uses it a lot for a reason.
